Gil Botero, Enrique

General Secretary of COMJIB

Current Secretary General of the international organisation Conference of Ministers of Justice of Ibero-American Countries (COMJIB). He is a renowned jurist of Colombian origin who has served as Minister of Justice and Law, Magistrate and President of the Colombian Council of State, and member of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

He has also worked as a university lecturer at national and international level and is the author of numerous legal works, such as: Responsabilidad Extracontractual del Estado (8th edition, Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, 2014); Control de Convencionalidad en Colombia (3rd ed. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, 2024); La Constitucionalización del Derecho de Daños. Nuevo sistema de daños en la Responsabilidad Extracontractual del Estado (Editorial Temis, 2014); La responsabilidad médica derivada de los actos administrativos en el sector salud (1st edition. Editorial Universidad Externado de Colombia); La responsabilidad patrimonial del servidor público (Editorial Universidad Externado, 2016), among others.

In addition, he has received several awards, including, in recent years: Medal of the Society of International Studies (Madrid, 2020); Cross of Honour of the Order of San Raimundo de Peñafort (Madrid, 2022); Cross with White Distinction of the Order of Police Merit (Madrid, 2023) and Honorary Academician of the Academy of Law and Jurisprudence of Spain (Madrid, 2024).

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