Steiner-Dillon, James

University of Akron, United States

Associate professor of law at the University of Akron School of Law (United States). Previously he was an associate professor at the University of Dayton School of Law (United States). Prior to that appointment in 2018, he was an associate in law at Columbia Law School, where he taught legal research and writing. He previously taught Civil Procedure as an adjunct professor at the University of California College of the Law (formerly UC Hastings).

Professor Steiner-Dillon’s scholarship focuses broadly on the construction of legal knowledge, with particular emphasis on courts’ engagement with scientific expertise. His scholarship has appeared or is forthcoming in the Utah Law Review, Albany Law Review, Indiana Law Review, the University of Cincinnati Law Review, the Columbia Science and Technology Law Review, the St. Louis University Law Journal and the West Virginia Law Review. His work has been featured on the podcasts Ipse Dixit and Excited Utterance.

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