Gomes, Jurema da Silveira

Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná, Brazil

Judge at the Court of Justice of Paraná (TJPR), Brazil. Master's degree in Law from the Brazilian National School for the Training and Improvement of the Judiciary (ENFAM). Postgraduate degree in Law ‘lato sensu’ from the Paraná School of the Judiciary (EMAP). Member of the Management Committee of Restorative Justice of the Brazilian National Council of Justice (CNJ), of the Inter-institutional Observatory of Human Rights of Paraná, of the Intelligence Centre of the TJPR, of the Department of Technology and Justice of the Association of Magistrates of Paraná (AMAPAR) and of the research group Conflict Prevention, Precedents, Impacts of Judicial Decisions and Intelligence Centres of ENFAM. Research, development and innovation advisor at the TJPR. Coordinator of the Judicial Mediation and Restorative Justice Commission of the TJPR. General Coordinator of EMAP courses.

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