Pabón Páez, Martha

Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia

Law degree from University Externado of Colombia, specialising in contract law. She holds a master's degree in Civil and State, Contractual and Extracontractual Liability from the same university and a master's degree in Evidential legal reasoning from University of Girona (Spain) and University of Genoa (Italy).

She is president of the Latin American Network of Women in Procedural Law and Evidential Legal Reasoning, director of Diversity and Equity of the Colombian Institute of Procedural Law (ICDP), member of the Colombian Network of Evidentiarl Legal Reasoning and of the Colombian Institute of Civil and State Responsibility (IARCE). Founding partner and managing director of the law firm Pabón Abogados & Asociados. 

Her research interests focus on: the contradiction of testimonial evidence, presumptions in civil and administrative matters, and the impact of artificial intelligence in the judicial process from an evidential legal reasoning perspective.

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