Law degree from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Specialist in Legal Argumentation and PhD in Law from the University of Alicante. He is a member of the mexican National System of Researchers, level I.
He is currently a full-time associate professor in the Department of Law at ITAM. He is general coordinator of the seminar programme on Philosophy of Law at ITAM and co-coordinator of the Eduardo García Máynez seminar on Theory and Philosophy of Law.
He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Quaestio Facti and of the research project "Prueba y atribución de responsabilidad" funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. He is an ‘allied researcher’ in the research project on scientific evidence and evidence of the Constitutional Studies Center of the Supreme court of Mexico.
His publications include: Las presunciones en el Derecho. Entre la perplejidad y la fascinación de los juristas (Tirant lo Blanch, Spain, 2018; Alternativa series); The nature and the place of presumptions in legal argumentación in Argumentation (2017); James Bradley Thayer. Un precursor de la teoría de las presunciones in Teoría Jurídica Contemporánea (2017); Presumptions and fictions. A Collingwoodian approach in Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice (Springer, 2015); An intelectual journey with William Twining, with Manuel Atienza, in Law's Ethical, Global and Theoretical Contexts. Essays in Honour of William Twinng (Cambridge University Press, 2015); and Presunciones en el Derecho Continental y el Common Law. Un análisis comparado en Debatiendo con Taruffo (Marcial Pons, 2016).