Moreno Borda, Saida Carolina

Judge of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of San Gil, Santander, Colombia

Lawyer specialising in Criminal Law and Criminology from Externado University of Colombia. Specialist in legal-procedural institutions from the National University of Colombia.

Currently studying for a PhD at University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and candidate for a master's degree in Evidential Legal Reasoning from University of Girona. She has specific training in legal argumentation, legal psychology, money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment, among other specialised knowledge.

She has been an assistant magistrate at the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia, Criminal Cassation Chamber, and is currently a magistrate at the Criminal Chamber of the Court of San Gil, Santander.

International speaker on money laundering and extinction of property rights for government agencies such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Financial Action Task Force of Latin America (GAFILAT) and the Support Mission against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras of the Organization of American States (OAS MACCIH). Trainer of judges, prosecutors and public defenders.

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