Muñoz García, Miguel Ángel

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

PhD in Law from the Externado University of Colombia (2023). Master’s in Evidential Legal Reasoning from University of Girona (Spain) and University of Genoa (Italy) in 2018. Master’s in Criminal Sciencies and Criminology from the Externado University of Colombia (2014). Law degree from the Faculty of Legal Sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2010).

He is currently a research professor in the Department of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Legal Sciences at Universidad Javeriana. Professor of General Criminal Law II (Theory of Crime), Criminal Evidence Law, General Criminal Law I (Introduction to Criminal Law), Special Criminal Law I and II, and, also, in the permanent seminar of the PhD program in Law at the Faculty of Legal Sciences at Universidad Javeriana.

He has been a practicing lawyer in matters related to criminal law and a partner at Idrobo & Associates S.A., a firm specializing in economic and corporate criminal law. He has also served as an academic reporter for the Colombian Ministry of Justice and Law. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at various colombian universities (University of Medellín, Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (UNAB), University of Ibagué, La Gran Colombia University, University of La Sabana, Manuela Beltrán University), and has been a speaker and evaluator for several specialized legal journals.

He has been a member of the Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Procesal and of the Colegio de Abogados Casacionistas. He is currently a member of the Fundación Internacional de Ciencias Penales, of the Colegio de Abogados Javerianos and coordinator of the Red Colombiana de Razonamiento Probatorio.

He is the author of various books and articles primarily related to criminal law and criminal procedure law, published in national and international journals, and has written forewords for several publications on his areas of expertise.

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