Chin, Jason

Australian National University College of Law, Australia

Senior lecturer at the College of Law at the Australian National University. He received a PhD in Psychology from the University of British Columbia and JD from the University of Toronto. Prior to returning to academia, he was a litigation lawyer.

Chin studies evidence law from the perspectives of social psychology and metaresearch. For example, he critically apprises and offers pragmatic solutions for improving expert evidence such that it aligns with the public’s expectations for scientific knowledge.

His legal research has been published in law journals in the United States, Canada, and Australia. It has been cited by the High Court of Australia and many other appellate courts. His interdisciplinary research has been published in outlets such as Science and the Journal of Law and the Biosciences.

Chin is currently an associated editor of Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, and the founding editor of MetaROR (Meta Research Open Review). The latter is a publish, review, curate platform to speed up and democratize the evaluation of science.

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