Ferraro, Francesco

University of Milano, Italy

Doctor from University of Milano, Italy, and Philosophy graduate from University of Pisa, Italy. Currently, professor in University of Milano. He has been a visiting professor in University of Girona, Spain.

Author of many articles published in italian and international journals, of book chapters about different issues of philosophy and theory of law, and of three books. In relation to the topics of the present workshop, the following chapters are highlighted: La “legisprudenza” e i problemi della giustificazione legislativa: razionalità e irrazionalità del legislatore (2018), Legislación y nudging. Hacia una definición adecuada (2019), with Silvia Zorzetto, and the book Razionalità legislativa emotivazione delle leggi. Un’introduzione teorica (2019). Coeditor, with Silvia Zorzetto, of the volumes La motivazione delle leggi (2018); Exploring the Province of Legislation: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives in Legisprudence (2022); La motivazione della sentenza tra teoria e prassi (2023).

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