Picó i Junoy, Joan

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Professor of Procedural Law at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona).

Vice-President of the Iberoamerican Institute of Procedural Law. Honorary President of the Asociación de Probática y Derecho Probatorio.

Author of eleven monographs and more than a hundred studies published in specialist journals. Director of the collections Derecho Probatorio (Editorial Aranzadi LA LEY), and Derecho procesal (Editorial J.M. Bosch editor). Co-editor of Practica Procesal Civil (10 volumes; Editorial Aranzadi LA LEY), of Estudios prácticos sobre los medios de prueba (6 volumes; Editorial J.M. Bosch editor) and of Justicia, a journal specialising in procedural law.

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