Puebla Fortunato, Cristian A.

Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina

Professor of General Theory of Law, Special Criminal Law and Professional Ethics at the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina (UNRN). Professor in charge of the Club de Litigación Penal of the UNRN. Guest lecturer at University of the Rosary (Colombia) and University of Mendoza (Argentina), among others. 

Author of publications on legal education, criminal procedure, trial by jury and plain language.

Law clerk in cases against humanity (Poder Judicial de la Nación). Lawyer and specialist in university teaching (UNRN); Diploma in Psychology of Testimony (Universidad Vizcaya de las Américas); Master in Evidential Legal Reasoning (UdG and UniGe); Doctoral candidate in Law (UBP). Researcher at the Instituto de Investigación en Políticas Públicas y Gobierno (IIPPyG - UNRN). Member of the Centro de Litigación Universitaria (CENLU), a programme of the Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales y Sociales (INECIP).

His academic contribution aims to provide practical and theoretical tools that deal with evidentiary legal reasoning in the criminal-adversarial process, with particular emphasis on jury trial models and legal education.

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